Harry Potter Birthday Party…Part 2!
This post details activities and party ideas for a successful Harry Potter Party. Make sure to check out Part 1 of the Harry Potter Birthday Party here for all the decoration tips!
Activities: Our activities surrounded the idea of our little witches and wizards attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Here is what we did:
- Hogwarts Express: The only way to get to Hogwarts is on the Hogwarts Express from the magically hidden 9 3/4 platform from King’s Cross Station. This curtain is the perfect brick wall to transport your party guests to Hogwarts!
- The Sorting Ceremony: In Harry Potter, the sorting ceremony is a yearly ritual performed at the beginning of the school year to assign the first years to one of the four school Houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
- We used this sorting hat that actually talks when put on your head and assigns you to a house. Each party guest placed the hat on their head and then the hat shouted out what house they were assigned, it was so cool and the kids loved it!
- After, the sorting hat assigned each party guest to their house, we had them decorate their white party bags with their House colors:
- Gryffindor: maroon and yellow
- Hufflepuff: yellow and black
- Ravenclaw: blue and gold
- Slytherin: green and grey
- After, the sorting hat assigned each party guest to their house, we had them decorate their white party bags with their House colors:
- Once the bags were done being decorated, each party guest received Harry Potter glasses and scar tattoos. We also adorned them with these little witch and wizard capes!
- Potions Class
- Potions class was probably the favorite activity. The party guests returned to the table that now had gold charger plates, a plastic cup with a little bit of water, and a stirring stick.
- The guests were initially given the yellow potion to pour into their cup turning the water yellow. Then, they were given the blue potion, which magically turned the potion green right before their very own eyes!
- From the green potion, we let the kids add whichever color they wanted.
- For the GRAND FINALE, we passed out smaller cups with a small piece of dry ice in it (caution your party guests to not touch with bare hands or fingers, but only handle the small glass). We told them the dry ice was “bone fragments” that would really do something fancy to their potions! The dry ice effect was amazing and their reactions were PRICELESS!!!
- Charms Class
- Next, was charms class! Here, the party guests received their own wand, learned how to use them, and performed actual magic with their charms!
- Now this was super fun! We had an instructor who instructed the guests on how to handle their wands and then taught them spells from Harry Potter.
- Aberto: Opens locked doors
- We had the party guests point to the front door and say their charm. We had another person hidden outside that then opened the door. They were amazed!
- Lumos: Illuminates
- We had remote controlled candles in the middle of the floor that the guests pointed their wands to and repeated the charm. Another person was controlling the remote and turned the candles on/off with correct timing.
- Aberto: Opens locked doors
- Now this was super fun! We had an instructor who instructed the guests on how to handle their wands and then taught them spells from Harry Potter.
- Piertotum Locomotor
- The kids were loving charms class so much that one party guest decided to try it on our house banners hanging. A little quick thinking (since this one wasn’t on the agenda) with blowing air towards the flag, which made it move and the guests thought it was magical!
- Piertotum Locomotor
- Pin the Scar on Harry
- Pin the tail is always a hit at any kid party and lucky for us, we found a Pin the Scar on Harry game linked here.
- Pinata
- The most adorable Hedwig pinata that doubled as decor in the owlery for the party and then was the pinata for the final activity!
- Harry Potter candy bags for pinata
Harry Potter Gift Ideas:
Don’t forget the Harry Potter wrapping paper or Harry Potter gift bags!
Gift ideas that are Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter candy slugs, jelly beans, and crispy frogs
- Harry Potter Trivia Game
- The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
- Harry Potter Uno Game
- The official Harry Potter Baking cookbook
- Harry Potter Who is it Guessing Game
- Harry Potter coloring book
- Harry Potter Lego sets
We hope you enjoyed this post and Part 1 of the Harry Birthday Party! Get more ideas and follow along over on instagram @inspired2party
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