
We are 3 sisters who love to plan and host diy parties and everything they entail-Food, decor, crafts, favors, desserts, and more!

Kid Pajama Party

This kid pajama party was a big hit and so much fun!  We started the night with dinner and what kid doesn’t like breakfast for dinner?!?!  Waffles, hash, bacon, fresh berries, and a few different drink options!  The kids loved these shaped waffles and the waffle machines worked so well and can be used for different things throughout the year.

Click here for Minnie Waffle Maker

Click here for Mickey Waffle Maker

Click here for Frozen Snowflake Waffle Maker

Click here for Large Silver Drink Cooler

We had surprise visitors join us for dinner…Santa’s Elves!  The kids loved this.  The elves then helped us make this elf craft!  We had printed each of the kids heads and attached the different pieces with brads so they bend and move.  Super easy, all you need is construction paper (we did have all the shapes cut and ready to go since our kids are young), brads, and the custom head if you choose to go that route.  The kids enjoyed personalizing them and making them their own!

Next, was an obstacle course scavenger hunt where the kids had to make their way through different obstacles to go find clues that were hidden throughout the house.  The obstacle pictured above is made of tinsel and bells that they had to crawl under without ringing the bells.  Then they had to tiptoe around the ornaments that are on the toilet paper rolls and not knock them off.  It was pretty hilarious to watch and the kids were all about it.  We also had a balance beam with bells that they couldn’t knock off and a hula hoop with bells tied around it that they had to go through without ringing the bells.

We finished the night singing some songs with the elves and a Christmas movie.  Each kid had a snack tray to munch on while the movie was playing.  These bins were found at the dollar store, it has such great stuff, but you have to get things a few weeks before the actual holiday nears or it will all be picked over!

Special thanks to these cute elves that joined us for the night and made it memorable for all the kids!  You guys are awesome!


*Amazon Affiliate Links in this post:

Click here for Minnie Waffle Maker

Click here for Mickey Waffle Maker

Click here for Frozen Snowflake Waffle Maker

Click here for Large Silver Drink Cooler

Click here for Girl Elf Costume

Click here for Boy Elf Costume

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